Setting up PhoneGap - Apps in Javascript

Yes it is possible to make android / ios apps in javascript :) Hail PhoneGap

I started making one but got lost... I thought that i would not find any proper steps on what should i do to be up and running with PhoneGap...

so here are my bits..

1. Install Latest Git and Node.js - If you already have make sure.. it is latest. I faced many problems while working with older tools.

2. Install PHONE GAP

    npm install -g phonegap

3. Install Android-SDK

4. Create environment variable ANDROID_HOME and add ANDROID_HOME\tools and    ANDROID_HOME\platform-tools to the PATH

5. Install Ant

6. Create environment variable ANT_HOME and add ANT_HOME\bin to the PATH

7.  Create a PHONEGAP application

      phonegap create my-app
      cd my-app

      phonegap run android

Inside the my-app\platforms\android you can see a Android project which you can load in Eclipse :)

There are also other tools like Ionic-Framework that are used for the same.

Actually both PhoneGap and Ionic-Framework use `Condova` which is actually the meat of the framework.

You can use Condova alone to do most of the stuff.
